Terms and Conditions Chemgo AG

General Conditions of Purchase

Differing or additional terms or conditions, in particular those of the supplier, are only valid with written agreement from CHEMGO.

The supplier makes CHEMGO and/or the forwarding agent aware of any characteristics of the ordered goods that necessitate special care during transport and storage, whether it be to avoid damage to the goods themselves or to avoid damage by the goods to other material or persons.

The supplier ensures that the regulations concerning the transport of dangerous goods (IATA/IMCO/RID/ADR) are adhered to.

CHEMGO and/or the recipient at the final destination examines the goods. CHEMGO ensures that any complaints are passed on immediately to the supplier.

General Conditions of Sale

Differing or additional terms or conditions, in particular those of the recipient, are only valid with written agreement from CHEMGO. The recipient examines the goods immediately upon receipt. Any complaint must be made in writing and must reach CHEMGO at the latest within a week of receipt of the goods.

CHEMGO immediately passes on the complaint to the manufacturer and/or supplier of the goods. CHEMGO supports the parties in handling the deficiency.

If the deficiency in question is connected to a service provided by CHEMGO, CHEMGO’s liability is limited in maximum to the value of the goods.

Ownership of the goods shall not pass to the purchaser until CHEMGO has received in full all sums due in respect of the goods and all other sums which are or which become due to CHEMGO from the Purchaser on any account.

All orders will be executed according to the current ISO-like quality system. If a customer demands execution according to GDP (Good Distribution Practice for GMP-relevant products or APIs), the applicable requirements have to be defined in writing prior to any order.

The place of jurisdiction for purchases and sales is Basel, Switzerland.

Swiss law applies exclusively.
